Hi there,
My name is Greg Ichshenko, and I'm into futures trading since 2008. I've studied and practiced different theories from Bolinger, Williams, to Fibonacci, Elliot, and Gann. I went through several trainings on psychological aspects of trading and took a few personally/individual coachings from experienced traders.
In the last 10 years, I've learned, analyzed and tested over 100 different strategies and trading methods: from the classical chart patterns to complicated footprint models.
I've been combining several trading strategies with the intention to find the Graal. After months of analysis I was finding weak areas in my system, researching and learning more, adjusting my strategy, testing analyzing it again, and again, and again until I was overwhelmed and exhausted by ideas. I was pausing for a few weeks and ultimately pulled myself away from trading to recover mentally.
Then one day I could find a new strategy, new idea, and the cycle was repeating again and again...
At one point, I realized that I know too much and that knowledge is hurting my trading results. My decisions on trades became affected by signals and filters from too many strategies. I started filtering profitable trades with high potentials and buying/selling obvious signals with high-risk ratio. I caught myself on that I'm experiencing "Casino" feelings, which is not right from the business perspective.
Just about a year ago, I started building and testing automated trading algorithms, which allowed me to avoid the psychological aspect of my trading. It has been a long year with its mistakes, fails and losses, but I didn't drop my hands, and now I'm ready and happy to represent my automated trading algorithm SnapSold to public.